HydraSleeve Check Valve Video Demonstrations

The most popular questions we are asked about HydraSleeves are questions concerning the check valve.  This is basically the most important part of any HydraSleeve.  The top-filling check valve coupled with the lay-flat sleeve is actually what allows the sleeve to work.  The check valve makes it possible to obtain discrete interval samples using HydraSleeves and if it did not work, we would not have a viable patented product.

We have previously tried to explain the check valve using written words and pictures.

Admittedly the check valve is hard to see.  It is also hard to explain how it works.  However using videos it is much easier to demonstrate the HydraSleeve check valve and it's operation. 

Please see the links below for video demonstrations of the check valve and how we know it works.

HydraSleeve Check Valve - Part 1 - Where is the check valve and how does it work?

HydraSleeve Check Valve - Part 2 - How do we know the check valve works?