2012 News Review

With another year behind us and a new one just beginning, it seems to be a good time to review what has happened here at GeoInsight over the past 12 months.

HANDOVERUSE1The biggest news for us was announcing that we had sold the small diameter well product line in July.  This has allowed us to focus solely on development, sales, support and service of our patented HydraSleeve products.  PrePak Screens, Annular Seals and related products are not being handled by Atlantid Drilling Supply (800-752-9416).  They tell us that the transition was a smooth one and they are still going strong servicing the needs of drilling customers.

During 2012 we announced 2 new HydraSleeve products.HS42L03062012 001

The new larger 4-inch HydraSleeve with a 2.5 liter capacity was announced in March.  Please click here for details.  Shortly after these were released we had the first large-scale surface water monitoring project use this HydraSleeve.  They were used at discrete depth intervals during an on-going dredging operation in the San Franciso Bay area.


turbosleevefullIn November we also introduced a new, extra-large SuperSleeve which will capture the largest sample volume available from a 2-inch, schedule 40 well.  This new TurboSleeve will collect 4 liters of sample volume from a 10-foot saturated screen, the most of any no-purge sampler.  Please see the tech-sheet, white paper, and product information available here.






Also in November we announed the results of our year-long chemical resistance study.  After a year of exposure the HydraSleeve shows no deterioration of the sleeves even when filled with pure, very aggressive, chemical contaminants.

There was also a new independent study added to our growing list from the United States Geological Survey team. This comparison study was conducted in 2009-2010 with the results being published in September 2012.

2012 also marked the installation of additional new test well for WELL3 004on-site research and development of new HydraSleeve products.  This brings our totoal to 3 sets of monitoring wells for product testing.

In addition to these highlighted news items, there were also several interesting articles written for our newsletter.  Please see the 2012 article  Table of Contents seen below for links to some great tips, additional information and practicle uses of our HydraSleeves.