
Customer Testimonials

I have been able to use Hydrasleeves for the past year doing various well samples in a couple of different locations. The simplicity of the design really appeals to me. It saves me from having to haul and use lots of equipment for slow flow purging, or bladder pumping. I also have fun deploying and retrieving hydrasleeves (except for deep wells) and taking the sample. It is a very creative product that even allows the users to become creative.  I am a fan and as long as I can I plan on using a hydrasleeve to do wells sampling.  I also got to visit the hydrasleeve headquarters in New Mexico from taking an environmental sampling course. I was very impressed with the presentation of how the hydrasleeve works in a clear plastic pseudo-well.  As stated before simple by design but very effective of getting a good water sample.

Posted with permission of

Cody Allen, C.E.S.
Soda Springs, Idaho


 DBSA HydraSleeve 1


DBS&A field sampler completing first deployment of new HydraSleeve SkinnySleeves at a work site in New Mexico.


Use of the new HydraSleeve SkinnySleeves has reduced DBS&A's field sampling costs by over 50%

than traditional bailing and low flow techniques previously used to sample the groundwater at this site.


 DBSA HydraSleeve2


DBS&A field sampler uses the new HydraSleeve SkinnySleeve to retrieve a groundwater sample

captured from middle of screened water column in a 2-inch schedule 80 well.





Photographs & captions courtesy of Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc. (DBS&A)

Posted with the permission of
Beth Salvas
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.
Albuquerque, NM


HydraSleeves have helped our client save thousands!  We were renting lots of equipment every quarter to pump wells that were 300’ or deeper costing time, money, and man power to collect a sample. Before, we had 3-4 people, 2 trucks, a generator, 2 pumps, and lots of wiring, tubing, and hours devoted to each well not to mention the decontamination procedures after each sample was collected. Now, we drive to a site with a 2 man crew and can grab a sample in a matter of minutes. We can get all of our wells sampled in one day as opposed to 4 or 5!
Posted withhatchmottphoto the permission of
Lindsay Daugherty
Hatch Mott MacDonald
Waynesburg, PA

We have completed the project and were very happy with the Hydrasleeve sampler.  It was very easy to deploy and retrieve samples and the sample volume was adequate to analyze for SVOCs and Metals.  The sampler cut sampling time by about 80% (about 15 minutes per sample.

The comparison of the analytical results between analytical results of our Hydrasleeve samples and low-flow samples were comparable.

Posted with the permission of
Bob Onderko
San Antonio, TX

Although there is no "official" regulatory guidance relating to the use of HydraSleeve samplers in Florida, I can attest to the fact that our FDEP project manager has given us the green light to use them (on a test basis, initially) for ground water quality monitoring (chloride, sulfate and TDS) at a mine site. Results from our first round of HydraSleeve sampling compared quite favorably with those obtained through five rounds of traditional well purging and sampling techniques, and by installing a second set of samplers in the wells after retrieval of the first units, we expect that our time onsite during future rounds of quarterly sampling will be reduced from two long days to approximately six hours.  When compared to the costs and logistics associated with traditional sampling techniques, HydraSleeve sampling offers a fast, simple, safe, cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternative that should be proposed and (hopefully) implemented whenever possible.  We are definitely looking forward to utilizing and promoting the use of HydraSleeves on future projects here in the Sunshine State!


Posted with permission of
Thomas Shaw
The Colinas Group, Inc.
Lakeland, FL

I have used the hydrasleeves several times on one particular project in Massachusetts over the past few years.  Before moving to the sleeves we conducted a test to compare the results with standard low-flow procedures and they were right on target.  They have been a big time and money saver without sacrificing data quality at that particular site. 

Posted with permission of
Tom Daigle
GEI Consultants
Denver, CO

"We have switched almost exclusively to Hydrasleeves (we also tried PDBs and pumping previously) and are saving our client a large sum of money in labor costs each and every event. Additionally we have found less errors in data collection."

Posted with permission of
Jason A. Currier
URS Corporation
Portland, Maine 04101

"We have used the Hydrasleeve samplers in a trial study at the Stringfellow site, and are discussing with stakeholders re: using them for future sampling events.  Our 7/30/09 report has been uploaded at our Envirostor site: ."
Posted with permission of
Carol D. Wilson, PG
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Brownfields and Environmental Restoration Program

"The time and cost savings with Hydrasleeves is phenomenal. You have to remember you are eliminating the cost of purge water disposal and all the hassle that entails. The advantage in time and effort versus bailing tens of gallons from a 200 feet deep well doesn't need explaining. The fact that more and more regulatory agencies are accepting this technique is a clear indicator that this is actually a superior sampling method to the antiquated bailing method and at least as good as if not better than low flow sampling."

Posted with the permission of 

Paul Sedory P.E.
Huff & Huff, Inc.
Oak Brook, IL

"The HydraSleeve was an economical and easy way to collect discrete samples from multiple fracture zones within a borehole.  Not only is the HydraSleeve far easier to deploy than downhole packers and pumps, but using the one-time-use (disposable) HydraSleeve minimizes the potential for cross-contamination between discrete samples."

Posted with the permission of

Jason L. Baer
Maryland Environmental Service
Millersville, MD

"Deployment of a Hydrasleeve is as easy as tying my shoes.  Retrieval of a Hydrasleeve is even easier because the hard part of tying the knot was taken care of during deployment.  The pure simplicity is beautiful.  It screams common sense when you look at the big picture.  A Hydrasleeve in a screened section of a well can capture water that is the same as the surrounding aquifer.  Low flow sampling will always have some influence on the sample because inserting the pump into the well disturbs stagnant water in upper portions of the well, or at the least by creating a hydraulic gradient through the well screen that is greater than normal groundwater flow.  Hydrasleeves are quick and clean.  No lugging loads of low-flow equipment all over the place and no need for a vehicle big enough to accommodate all that low flow equipment.  There will always be a place in this world for low flow sampling however, I believe the Hydrasleeve no purge samplers are the future and should be because they are twice as fast as low-flow, less expensive, dependable, and as easy to use as tying your shoes.

 I am pleased with everything about this product except one thing.  I wish I was the one who developed it." 


 Posted with the permission of

Matthew J. Potter
Staff Professional
Advanced GeoServices
West Chester, PA 


Don't Take Our Word For It!

In study after study the HydraSleeve (U.S. Patent No. 6,481,300; No. 6,837,120; No. 9,726,013; others pending) outperforms other methods of sampling technology.  The cases below are truly Independent studies.  We had no input whatsoever in administering or financing any of the results you see below.

pit lake thumb

Drone Sampling with HydraSleeve , March 17, 2020

Golder Associates tested what they call the Matrice-HydraSleeve method of sampling from pit lakes.

Used standard Surface Water Adapter (SWA) with a SuperSleeve HydraSleeve mounted on a Matrice 600 drone.

Successfully sampled 10 pit lakes in 4 USA states collecting 81 depth-specific samples.

view the full article...

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HydraSleeve testing OAS Pond, September 6, 2019

The Department of the Interior tested the HydraSleeve Drone Cone in a pond in Boise, Idaho.

They repeatedly successfully sampled via drone and the new assembly.

Since then, the DOI has approved the new Drone Cone assembly for surface water sampling.

Watch the video...

The HydraSleeve...typically produced the best results

"The HydraSleeve was substantially less expensive"

"The HydraSleeve was simpler to deploy and retrieve, and permits a larger volume of water to be collected."

"Results Report for the Demonstration of No-Purge Groundwater Sampling Devices at Former McClellen Air Force Base California" October, 2005

view the full report...


The Department of Energy's Office of Environmental Management uses the HydraSleeve to sample 230 wells at their Savannah River Site.

  • EM expects to save over $2.5 million over the life of the site's groundwater sampling program.
  • Saves time over traditional purge methods of sampling.
  • Complicated equipment is unnecessary.

"The Hydrasleeve...allows remediation engineers to monitor for contaminants...without purging, a time-consuming practice of removing water that often must be disposed as hazardous or radioactive waste."

  view the full article...

USGS Compares No-Purge and Pumped Sampling Methods for Monitoring Concentrations of Ordnance-Related Compounds in Groundwater.

  • Hydrasleeves provide comparable data to low-flow pumping for explosive analysis
  • HydraSleeve provided largest sample volume of no-purge samplers tested
  • HydraSleeves found to be the easiest of the no-purge methods used in this study

"Comparison of No-Purge and Pumped Sampling Methods for Monitoring Concentrations of Ordnance- Related Compounds in Groundwater, Camp Edwards, Massachusetts Military Reservation, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 2009–2010" September 2012

  view the full report...

For specific information about the HydraSleeve, see pages 1, 8, 14, and 20.

usgs study 1 2016

Concentration Comparison of Selected Constituents between Groundwater Samples Collected within the Missouri River Alluvial Aquifer using Purge and Pump and Grab-Sampling Methods, near the City of Independence, Missouri, 2013

This study includes agricultural nutrients sampled with the HydraSleeve as well as numerous other parameters.  The takeaway is that HydraSleeve can work to replace the current sampling method (volume purging) except for sample volume needed for duplicates samples.  The wells are all 2-inch diameter with 5-foot screen intervals, limiting sample volume available for no-purge sampling.  The laboratory required 2-liters of sample for duplicate analysis. The investigators are planning to either reduce the number of parameters analyzed or reduce the analytical volume requirements for duplicate samples during the next phase of the study.

view the full article...

Collecting a sample with the HydraSleeve is a simple, one-man operation

  • provides samples for all analytical parameters
  • effective in low yield wells
  • allows rapid installation and sample collection
  • easy to use, one-person operation

"ITRC Technology Overview" March, 2006

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No-purge Sampling More Cost Effective for Deep-Well Sampling
  • First international study (Belgium) of no-purge sampling including the HydraSleeve
  • No-purge sampling is more cost effective than purge sampling

"Comparison of purge and no-purge sampling strategies for deep groundwater" July, 2011

  view the full presentation...

The HydraSleeve is very quick and easy to use

  • The use of the HydraSleeve following a standard procedure should produce highly accurate and reproducible data at both clean and contaminated water sites.
  • The HydraSleeve should be seriously considered for use on all future groundwater sampling projects where appropriate.

 "Evaluation of the Use of the HydraSleeve on DWR Projects" December 2007

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National Defense Center for Energy and the Environment (NDCEE) compares no-purge sampling to low-flow sampling.
  • Studied whether no-purge sampling devices can provide technically defensible analytical data for chemical contaminants
  • Compared to low flow sampling with emphasis on the utility, comparability cost effectiveness

"Novel In Situ Extraction Technologies for Contaminants in Groundwater" May, 2012

  view the full report...

Use of no-purge sampling device has made sampling safer

  • Use of no-purge sampling device has made it safer for technicians to collect the necessary samples with no impact to the quality of the data.
  • In addition, an increased concern for safety does not have to lead to an increase in cost.

 "Sampling Techniques to Eliminate Health and Safety Concerns and Reduce Costs" 2008

  view the full presentation...

Converting to a passive sampling method (HydraSleeve) from conventional methods could produce cost savings of up to $9 million over 20 year period
  • 58% Reduction in CO2
  • 99.8% Reduction in Wastewater

"Comparing a Passive Sampling Method to a Conventional Sampling Method for Long-term Monitoring at Hill AFB, Utah" May, 2010

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  HydraSleeve estimated to reduce sampling and analysis costs by 50%
  • Reduces sampling labor costs by 50%
  • Eliminates need for decontamination
  • Eliminates need for rinsate QC samples
  • Accelerated schedule reduces trip blanks

 "HydraSleeve Sampler: Sampling Methodology to Reduce Cost and Improve Efficiency" July, 2009

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Saving Time and Money

"HydraSleeves reduce cost as there is no expensive equipment used, virtually no waste is generated and the technicians can collect a sample in less than half the time of low-flow techniques."

"Saving Time and Money with Passive (no-purge) Sampling" 2007

view the full article...

Zero-purge sampling offers a number of distinct advantages

  • The method does not require an electric power source and submersible pumps.
  • Less labor is required relative to conventional methods. Zero-purge sampling, requires approximately 20 minutes per well as compared to approximately 45 minutes per well for low-flow sampling.

"Zero-Purge Groundwater Sampling for SVOCs" June, 2002

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VOC results for samples collected using zero-purge techniques were higher

  • On average, zero-purge total metals results exceed the corresponding low-flow dissolved metals results by 108%.
  • On average, the zero-purge dissolved metals results were 19% higher than the corresponding results for samples collected via low-flow methods.

"Zero-Purge Groundwater Sampling for VOCs" June, 2002

view the full report...

HydraSleeve pilot study for Stringfellow superfund site
  • The HydraSleeves provide similar results as samples collected using traditional purge and sample methods

"Passive Sampling Pilot Study Report, Stringfellow Hazardous Waste Site" July, 2009

  view the full report...
  view the appendices...

  HydraSleeve results in decreased field labor and project managment costs
  • Best possible solution to the client
  • HydraSleeve technology has proven to be the RIGHT solution!

 "Discrete Depth Sampling: Impact of the Right Solution" February, 2009

  view the full presentation...

Even More Resources...

HydraSleeve Evaluation for North Campus

A Review of Field Technologies for Long-Term Monitoring of Ordnance-Related Compounds in Groundwater

Hitting the Bull's-Eye in Groundwater Sampling

Technology Overview of Passive Sampler Technologies

Point Source Bailer Demonstration

Normality Chart from McClellan Air Force Base Report

Scatterplots from McClellan Air Force Base Report

Plots from McClellan Air Force Base Report

Sampling Analysis Plan for Industrial Landfills